

发布者:北雅国际英语 发布时间:2020-12-22 13:59


1. 遇到麻烦:in the soap

2. 镇定:keep one's head

3. 不动手打架:keep one's shirt on

4. 继续努力:keep punching

5. 开始干某事:kick off

6. 一石二鸟:kill two birds with one stone

7. 别再讲下去了:knock it off

8. 顺其自然:let nature take its course

9. 泄漏秘密:let the cat out of the bag

10. 热锅上的蚂蚁:like a cat on hot bricks

11. 对事情束手无策:like a turtle on its back

12. 陈词滥调:lousy clichs

13. 出风头:make a hit

14. 使我垂涎:make my mouth water

15. 万能钥匙、关键:master key

16. 不分上下:neck and neck

17. 希望得到某人的安慰:need other's shoulder

18. 开某人玩笑:tease someone

19. 假装哭泣、假慈悲:shed crocodile tears

20. 举双手赞成:two thumbs up
